What does “organic” mean?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, to be certified as “Organic”; a product must be made out of 95 percent or more of ingredients derived from plant sources. These should have been grown without pesticides, genetic modification, or synthetic fertilizers and using methods that protect the environment, recycle resources and encourage biodiversity.
Organically sourced ingredients have much less amount of chemicals than synthetically created ones and those that are there, tend to be extremely mild in nature.
Non-allergic in general
It is true that one can be “Allergic” to just about anything. But, unlike synthetics or non-organics, the chances of an organic cosmetic being allergic is extremely low, and, even in the extremely unlikely circumstance, finding out the source of the allergen is much easier in organics, and there are always alternatives to it.
They smell better
This may sound silly, but it is not. Smell has much importance in our well being. It is an important psychological factor. When we smell better; we feel better and we often do not even think about it. The human sense of smell is good enough to distinguish between the smell of a natural organic product and a synthetic one.
Buying a better quality, organically sourced, slightly more expensive beauty product will be more economical in the long run than a synthetic one. Synthetics may be cheaper, but one may end up using more of them, which could end up being extremely unsafe from a health point of view.
Never outdated
They have stood the test of time. Practically every organic beauty product is based around ingredients that we humans have been using as ancient herbal remedies with effective proven results.
Extremely safe
Lastly, they are safer for the environment, just in the way they are sourced and manufactured.
We at Organic Planters, are committed to a health conscious lifestyle, focussed on totally organic products, and can offer everything from cosmetics to fruits, vegetables and grains. We deliver all over India and we offer a 10% discount on our organic beauty products for first time customers!